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8 oz Demand CS Insecticide Bedbug Roach Pest Insect Control NXL2_R0NXX47

8 oz Demand CS Insecticide Bedbug Roach Pest Insect Control NXL2_R0NXX47

Regular price $57.41 USD
Regular price $108.90 USD Sale price $57.41 USD
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8 oz Demand CS Insecticide Bedbug Roach Pest Insect Control Demand cs controls more than 30 Common insects including spiders, ants, flies, wasps, fleas, ticks and bed bugs. Demand cs is a water-based insecticide concentrate that offers excellent indoor and outdoor pest control. Each 8 oz bottle makes 8 - 40 gallons (mixed at 0. 2 to 0. 8 oz/6 to 24 ml per gallon of water). Lambda-cyhalothrin integrated with micro-encapsulated technology which gives it an unparalleled residual and protection against a long list of insects. Demand cs can be used both indoors and outdoors and has no odor and will not stain surfaces. It will treat more than 30 of the most common insects such as spiders, wasps, flies, fleas, ticks, bed bugs and ants. Pests Controlled with Demand CS: Ants Aphids Armyworm Azalea caterpillar Bagworm Bed bugs Bees Beetle Black turfgrass ataenius Black vine weevil Bluegrass billbug Boxelder bugs Broadmite Brown soft scale Budworm California oakworm California red scale (crawler) Cankerworm Carpenter bees Carpet beetles Centipede Chiggers Chinch bug Cigarette beetles Clover mite Cluster flies Cockroaches Confused flour beetles Crickets Cutworm Earwigs Eastern tent caterpillar Elm leaf beetles European sawfly Fall webworm Firebrats Flea beetle Fleas Flies Forest tent caterpillar Grasshopper Grubs Gypsy moth larvae Hyperodes weevil Japanese beetle June beetle Lace bugs Leaf skeletonizer Leaf-feeding caterpillar Leafhopper Leafminer Leafrollers Lesser grain borer Litter beetles Mealybug Midges Millipede Mites Mole cricket Mosquito Oleander moth larvae Parasitic Wasp Pillbug Pine sawfly Pine shoot beetle Pineneedlescale (crawler) Pinetip moth Plant bug Red flour beetles Rice weevil Root weevil Sawfly Saw-toothed grain beetles Scale insect (crawler) Scorpions Silverfish Sowbugs Spider Spider mite Spider Mite, (two-spotted spruce) Spittlebug Striped flea beetle Striped oakworm Termites Termites, (above ground only) Thrips Tick Tip moth Tussock moth larvae Wasps Webworm, sod Whiteflies

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